Membership Information
Any questions concerning membership should be sent to memberships@dpfng.com
Membership Renewal
Memberships renewals are due by January 31. There are several options to renew club memberships.
1. You can complete the online Renewal Form completely online,
For Online renewal click HERE (Starting in Oct)
2. You can print the renewal form HERE (available starting in October) and bring it and your dues to a general meeting between October and January,
3. You can complete the forms and mail it and your dues to the club. If you mail them in, please enclose a self addressed stamped envelope (SASE) so we can mail your card back to you.
New Membership (Updated 11/2024)
Starting in July of 2021 these procedures and guidelines will be used for all persons pursuing an active membership in the Delta Peach Bottom Fish and Game Club.
Yearly member dues are:
Single 135.00
Family 145.00
Any person wishing to become an active member must be nominated for membership by an active member of DPBFNG at a General Membership Meeting in the months of June, July, and February. If approved by the general membership the individual will become a “prospective member”.
An Active Member is limited to one (1) nomination per year and if approved will act as that “prospective members” sponsor throughout the membership process.
Both the active member/sponsor and the nominee must attend the meeting in which the nomination takes place.
Once the prospective member completes their club hours the Active member may sponsor another individual for new membership following the guidelines.
Once an individual becomes a “prospective member” they will be required to attend an “New Member Orientation” which will be scheduled in the months of August, September, or March within the same year.
If a “prospective member” fails to attend orientation their status is revoked and will need to again be nominated as outlined above.
Orientations will be limited to 20 “prospective members” each for a total of 60 total for the year. (The Board of Directors can adjust the number of new members accepted depending on the needs of the club.)
The “prospective member” and active member sponsor must attend the next general membership meeting after their orientation in order to be “voted in” by the membership.
Once the “Prospective member” completes the new member orientation, completes membership paperwork, is voted in, and pays the appropriate dues, they will become a “probationary member” and be able to enjoy the club’s offerings. They are also encouraged to attend regular membership meetings.
If a “probationary member” does not complete their service hours they will not be invited to renew their membership.
If a “probationary member” is found to be involved in any incident the Board of Directors deems to be an infraction of club rules, safety protocols, or causes the club and/or its members safety to be at risk the “probationary members” status will be revoked.
- “Probationary members” will have until their renewal date to complete 8 hours of service to the club. If the hours are not completed the "probationary member" will not be eligible to renew membership and will not longer be a member of the club.
Once the “probationary member” has completed the required service hours they will be eligible to renew membership at the next membership due date, becoming “Active members” of DPBFNG.